Bridge Baron questions & answers

Learn to play Bridge by practicing with computer-controlled opponents
Question by Warren & Dot Cohen
September 2, 2024
Question by Guest
July 9, 2024
Rajesh Gupta
Answer by Rajesh Gupta

Yes, you can invite your bridge partner to play with you using Bridge Baron on Windows.

Question by VR
March 8, 2024

I would have to unhook the IPad from my stand, and turn it up and down to use the bridge baron

Rajesh Gupta
Answer by Rajesh Gupta

It sounds like the orientation settings on your iPad Pro may be locked. To change this, go to Settings > General > Use Side Switch To and select either "Mute" or "Lock Rotation". This should allow you to rotate the screen orientation of Bridge Baron on your iPad Pro.

Question by R. O. Tatum
December 8, 2008

I am using Bridge Baron 16. Where can I find the CD used to install Bridge Baron?

Answer by Dan Angel

Nowadays Bridge Baron reached to version Bridge Baron 23. You can order it as an Download or as a CD from Great Game Products web site. Also you can try it for free downloading and installing the trial version. You can find the Bridge Baron 16 installation CD only on Amazon or other similar sites.

Question by Blaine Johnson
March 9, 2017

Does the forced response to a new suit concept apply to both the partner/respondent and the opening bidder during the course of bidding: assuming both have adequate point count to bid to game?
For example:

  1. opening bidder bids one heart,
  2. partner responds one spade (new suit = forcing),
  3. opener responds two clubs (new suit = forcing),
  4. partner responds two diamonds (new suit = forcing),
  5. opener responds two no trump (inviting),
  6. partner bids three no trump,
  7. The contract is made.

Does this bidding sequence accurately depict forced response as applicable to both opener and partner/respondent?

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Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

In general, over the course of a bidding it can apply to both partners. However, in this case it doesn't:

The opener is clearly forced to respond as he cannot pass the 4th suit game forcing bid, so he has to say either 2NT or bid another suit.

However the partner / respondent isn't actually forced to respond to 2NT. He wants to respond because his bidding sequence indicates game strength, but there is no danger in passing, in case he initially overestimated his hand.

Usually, forced response is a term used for bids you can't pass because you're in trouble if you end up playing them, like 2 hearts in your example.

I guess I should also tell you that in your bidding sequence two diamonds isn't a simple forcing; it's called 4th forcing and signifies game strength forcing. With that in mind, 2NT shouldn't be inviting, since you've already established game strength. Instead, it should indicate a somewhat even distribution, hopefully with values in the 4th suit and a hand that isn't really capable of going for a slam.

For more details about Bridge Baron's bidding systems, you can visit the game's Help Center page.

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Swati Dubey
Answer by Swati Dubey

To address the issue of the Bridge Baron version using the full screen on your iPhone 15Pro, preventing you from reading the upper line, you can try adjusting the display settings on your phone. This may involve changing the screen resolution, adjusting the font size, or enabling a feature that allows you to scroll or zoom in on the screen. You can also reach out to the developer of Bridge Baron for help or look for any available updates or patches that may address this issue.

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Question by Guest
March 17, 2024

I can’t customize the play to accept my conventions. In settings.

Pooja Bajaj
Answer by Pooja Bajaj

It is possible that the version of Bridge Baron for Windows does not have the option to change the bidding system or customize play to accept specific conventions. It is recommended to contact the software developer or check the program's documentation for further assistance.

Answer by Alex Urbach

The PC version of the software offers a section called Settings where you can adjust various Speed related options. However, I've checked the description and the help documents for the iPad version, but I didn't find anything related to your inquiry which means this feature might be missing from the mobile platform.

You should also check the Settings menu in the iPad version and then get in touch with the developers using the following link:

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Question by Guest
August 24, 2016

I am playing duplicate, but cannot get table two to generate a review. What am I doing wrong?

Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

I've searched the web for information related to this game and on the official website, but I couldn't find the exact fix for this issue. However, there are help guides on the website that you can use and each of the guide is compiled for each of the Bridge Baron versions that have been released.

I recommend you use the following website to learn more about it and possibly on how to overcome the issues you've encountered:

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Alternative downloads

Bridge From Special K

Play bridge versus the computer.

SWAN Games Bridge

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Q-plus Bridge

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